May Missions

In which I present my new monthly missions (#32), in the hopes that I can complete two months in a row on time.

This month, I’m focusing my missions on cultivating grace. In particular, grace in the form of an orderly and low-maintenance home. We have been working to get things more settled here, and I’m starting to see things come together. I’m hoping that we can take advantage of that momentum to finish up at least one more room in our house.

1. Hang curtains in living room.
We’ve had these curtains for several months now, but just haven’t gotten a chance to hang them up yet. I’m looking forward to putting the finishing touches on this room in particular, and the curtains will be a big step toward that.

2. List old furniture on Craig’s List.
We are ready to say goodbye to the ugly couch and chair, especially as we prepare to get our new armchairs delivered in June. This will open up our downstairs space a lot. Between the two of us, the hubs and I have had this hand-me-down furniture for six years. It served us well, but it is heady to replace it with better quality, more stylish furniture that we bought with our hard-saved money.

3. Work on using my cleaning cards daily.
I have created a new cleaning schedule on index cards, in a two week cycle. I intend for these cards to help me focus my efforts into particular spaces on each day. Hopefully this will lead to things being generally clean all over so that I never have to scramble if our plans unexpectedly change. Because scrambling to clean your toilets before visitors come is not graceful.